When I bought the toothbrush I had a $1/1 coupon so I got it free. The register printed out a Catalina coupon for $2/2. If there were more toothbrushes I could have just done another transaction and gotten two more toothbrushes and another coupon. Looks like someone else figured out the same thing because there weren't any left at either Smith's near my house for me to snag a few doing that. I only wanted 6 :(
Sometimes I wonder if couponing is really worth it because it can be extremely frustrating. I have gone to Smith's 4 times, Walmart twice, and Target once now looking for these toothbrushes and for the dental floss in my previous post but haven't had much luck.
Marie said...
- I think the multiple trips and stores is where I hit my couponing limit. I'm lucky to find the time to go shopping at one store! April 29, 2011 9:33 PM
Chris said...
- It does take a lot of time!