Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Walmart 4/26/11

Walmart 4/26/11
Got some free hot sauce, free vinegar, free tuna, free jam, free married ppl product haha, $.25 powerade with price-matching at buy one get one free coupons. Then some good deals on other stuff. I had coupons for everything I bought except the bananas but I price matched those.

Product review-  I LOVE the steamfresh corn.  I had to buy some more this trip because I've eaten all our other bags of it.  I had an entire bag of it for dinner a couple of times now. I know its probably not good to have that much starch and only eat that but its so good I can't stop eating it.

I also got a free avocado... no coupons, no price matching.
I found it in the parking lot on my way to the car. HA.

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