Monday, May 2, 2011

Walgreens 5/2/11

Walgreens 5/2/11

My sister-in-law Lydia was nice to do a Walgreens trip with me.  I was really nervous about trying to do couponing at a drug store because its pretty tricky.  Drug stores are where you're going to get the best deals though so I knew I needed to try it sometime.
I was able to score $60 worth of razors for just a few bucks.  There's something like 18-20 razors... I think that might be a lifetime supply for me :)  Free dental floss and free flossers. I'm not sure how much everything cost individually.

Overall I got $102.00 worth of product for only $15.00!  That is about 85% savings!!!  Lydia helped me calculate the numbers last night but I don't have the paper with me so these numbers are not 100% correct but they are only a couple of cents off.

Chris said...
Wow, way to go. That was great to be able to go with Lydia. Send me an email listing what you did...maybe I can go duplicate the deals?
Jo said...
Since you went private, I haven't been getting the updates of your blog, so I've been crying myself to sleep wondering why oh why you haven't blogged in so long! I was pleasantly surprised to see you have indeed blogged, and enjoyed catching up:) The end of this novel.

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